BSidesTLV 2023: compare_me writeup
Can you guess a random 128-bit number?
If you do I have a flag for you!
nc 4545
Difficulty: Medium
First Look
Firstly, we are given a .zip file containing the source code and Dockerfile of the application.
If we connect to the application through netcat, we get the following response:
$ nc 4545
I have choosen a 128-bit random.
See if you can guess it with just 20 queries.
You can enter an empty line to exit.
(guess 1 out of 20) Your input:
Let's try some input:
(guess 1 out of 20) Your input: 1
Bad input length 1 != 32
(guess 2 out of 20) Your input: 11111111111111111111111111111111
Wrong! 4294967287 is not zero!
(guess 3 out of 20) Your input: ^C
Jumping over to the source code (
), we can get a better sense of what the program is doing.
First, it is setting up some memcmp_all
function from the
library. This library is probably compiled from the memcmp_all.c
which we have yet to take a look at.
# memcmp_all to ensure constant time check
memcmp_all = CDLL('./').memcmp_all
memcmp_all.argtypes = [c_char_p, c_char_p, c_uint32]
memcmp_all.restype = c_uint32
We have the start of our main function, which loads the random number and the flag.
Some output text welcoming us and mentioning we only have 20 attempts.
print("I have choosen a 128-bit random.")
print("See if you can guess it with just 20 queries.")
print("You can enter an empty line to exit.")
For each attempt, it verifies the input is 32. Then converts our input into a bytes
object using the fromhex
for turn in range(20):
req = input(f"\n(guess {turn+1} out of 20) Your input: ")
if len(req) == 0:
if len(req) != 32:
print(f'Bad input length {len(req)} != 32')
guess = bytes.fromhex(req)
Our guess
is then passed to the memcmp_all
function. If guess
matches guess_me
, the return value will be zero and the flag will be printed.
ret = memcmp_all(guess_me, guess, 16)
if ret == 0:
print(f'Success! {flag}')
print(f'Wrong! {ret} is not zero!')
print("Too many attempts!")
Then the part of the script which calls main
if __name__ == "__main__":
print("Some error occured")
We can take a look at memcmp_all.c
to get a better understanding of what the memcmp_all
function is doing.
We can see p1
, p2
, and compare_len
parameters corresponding to our guess_me
, guess
, 16
arguments in the Python script.
The parameters p1
and p2
are casted to a uint32_t
uint32_t result = 0;
uint32_t *pDW1 = (uint32_t *)p1;
uint32_t *pDW2 = (uint32_t *)p2;
uint8_t *pByte1;
uint8_t *pByte2;
While compare_len
is greater than (or equal) to sizeof(int)
, which is probably 4 (bytes), the loop runs.
while (compare_len >= sizeof(int)) {
The two `uint32_t` pointers are dereferenced, XORed together, then bitwise-ORed into `result`.
result |= (*pDW1 ^ *pDW2);
Then the pointers are incremented and compare_len
is subtracted.
The above loop is repeated, except with uint8_t
to compare the final bytes, in case compare_len
is not a multiple of 4. In our case, it is a multiple of 4 (16), so we do not need to worry about this loop.
pByte1 = (uint8_t *)pDW1;
pByte2 = (uint8_t *)pDW2;
while (compare_len > 0) {
result |= (uint32_t)(*pByte1 ^ *pByte2);
The result is then returned.
The solution depends on the fact we aren't simply told if guess
and guess_me
are equal, but instead we are given their comparison result
. result
tells us more information about what parts of guess
and guess_me
are and are not equal.
and guess_me
are both 128 bits long, where as result
is 32 bits long. The while loop in memcmp_all
will loop 4 times. Therefore, guess
and guess_me
will be broken up into four separate uint32_t
values, and then XORed together. The bits can be represented something like below:
guess ^ guess_me:
Each bit in the result
above will be dependent on if the bits above it in guess ^ guess_me
contain any 1s, as we know the result
is the result of OR operations on these bits. For example:
guess ^ guess_me:
Then when all of guess ^ guess_me
are zero, the result is zero, and guess == guess_me
will be true.
If each bit of the result is dependent on only four bits, then we don't have to guess a 128-bit integer. Instead, we need to guess 32 4-bit integers simultaneously. For each 4-bit integer, there are only 2^4=16 possibilities, which is less than our 20 tries.
Treating each column of the guess ^ guess_me
representation as 4-bit integer, we can try each possible value (0, 1, 2, ... 15). Whenever the result
bit for that column becomes 0, we know guess
and guess_me
match for that column, and we can stop guessing values for that column.
Now let's write some code to do that.
First, I wrote a function that takes in the current integer (representing the column) and the result's bit. If the result's bit is 0, the function returns the current guess. Otherwise, the function returns the next guess.
def get_next_part(current_part, response_part):
if response_part == 0:
return current_part
current_part += 1
current_part &= 0xF
return current_part
Next up, we need to be able to combine these parts into a single integer that can be passed to the application.
def combine_parts(parts):
parts_copy = parts.copy()
sum = 0
for i in range(4):
for j in range(32):
sum <<= 1
sum |= parts_copy[j] & 1
parts_copy[j] >>= 1
return sum
We also need to be able to take the result from the server, and break it up into its bits. We need to make sure these bits line up with our parts. This was a little bit of a headache to figure out, but we just need to calculate the correct bit shift, which can be seen in the code.
def get_result_parts(result):
result_parts = []
for i in range(4):
for j in range(8):
# weird shift amount based on binary representation of integers
shift = i * 8 + (7 - j)
result_part = (result >> shift) & 1
return result_parts
Now we need a way to communicate with the server, so let's create a test
function which we pass a guess and receive the result. We also add a check for if the guess isn't wrong, we just return the output from the server.
import pwn
conn = None # this will be set in our solve function
def test(guess):
conn.recvuntil(b'Your input: ')
guess_hex = hex(guess)[2:]
guess_hex = '0'*(32-len(guess_hex)) + guess_hex
output = conn.recvline().decode() # Wrong! 4292837375 is not zero!
if not output.startswith('Wrong!'):
return output
result = int(output.split(' ')[1])
return result
Now let's put all the pieces together. We start our solve function by setting up the connection.
def solve():
global conn
# init connection
context.log_level = 'debug'
conn = remote('', 4545)
Then we initialize our current_parts
array that will contain each column from the guess ^ guess_me
Now we can loop by sending our guess, receiving the result, and setting up our next guess based on the result. If ever the result from test
is a string, we know we have guessed correctly and we print the flag.
# 20 attempts, but we only need 16
for i in range(16):
# Combine the parts
combined = combine_parts(current_parts)
# Guess and get the result
result = test(combined)
# The result is a string if the guess was correct
if isinstance(result, str):
print('Solved:', result)
# Get the parts from the result
result_parts = get_result_parts(result)
# Setup next guesses based on the result's parts
for i in range(32):
current_parts[i] = get_next_part(current_parts[i], result_parts[i])
Then we close our connection.
And run our solve
Now if we run our script:
... bunch of debug logs
Solved: Success! BSidesTLV2023{c0mp4r1ng_c4n_c4u53_unc0mp4r4b13_1nf0_134k4g3}
We got the flag: BSidesTLV2023{c0mp4r1ng_c4n_c4u53_unc0mp4r4b13_1nf0_134k4g3}